Business Summary
Al Nasr Contracting Company LLC, formerly known as Al Nasr Irrigation and Contracting Company LLC, is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in undertaking different project contracting activities in several sectors. The Company undertakes contracting activities in seven fields: Infrastructure, Electrical and Instrumentation, Mechanical, Submarine, Irrigation and Landscaping, Civil Construction, and Fabrication Workshop. The Company’s project portfolio includes earthworks, water networks, sewerage networks, pumping stations, reverse osmosis and desalination units, submarine power line, pipeline construction and chilled water pipeline networks, procurement, testing and commissioning of switchgears, motor controls centers, power cables, substations, switching stations, transformers, telephone networking platforms for pump stations, chlorination units, desalination plants, mechanical projects, submarine power and water lines, shapes fabrication, as well as civil works.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
P.O.Box 2436, Defence Road
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