Business Summary
Sumo Logic, Inc., through its software as a service analytics platform, enables customers to deliver reliable and secure cloud-native applications. Its Continuous Intelligence Platform helps practitioners and developers ensure application reliability, secure and protect against modern security threats, and gain insights into their cloud infrastructures. Its Continuous Intelligence platform provides real-time, machine data analytics and insights across observability and security solutions. Its observability solution combines cloud native log analytics, monitoring, application performance management, and tracing, and real user monitoring, capabilities. It also offers cloud application infrastructure monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities. Its security solution helps developers, security analysts, and security operation centers detect threats, perform security analysis and forensics, and automate security responses to remediate against those threats for their cloud applications.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
855 Main Street, Suite 100
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