Business Summary
SNIC Insurance BSCC, formerly Saudi National Insurance Co BSCC, is a Bahrain-based company engaged in the provision of a wide range of services and solutions in the field of insurance and reinsurance. The Company operates through two segments: Corporate segment and Retail segment. Corporate segment includes medical Insurance covering medical expenses for medically necessary emergency health services; credit Life insurance is designed to pay off a borrower’s debt, such as personal loan, mortgage, auto loan in the event of premature death or disability of the borrower; fire, special perils and theft policy protects the individual’s or corporate’s property from any loss or damage due to fire, lightening, explosion, theft, water leakage, storm, flood and earthquake, and cargo insurance covers loss and damage involved in transportation of goods by sea, land or air. Retail segment offers insurances for the individual’s property from any loss or damage.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
Flat.3204, Floor 32, Building 2504, Al Moayyed Tower, Road 2832, P.O.Box : 17033
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