Business Summary
Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) is a Lebanon-based company engaged in the construction sector.The Company provides construction, engineering, procurement, development and investment activities internationally and in the Middle East region. The construction activities of CCC cover such fields as heavy civil construction which includes power plants, bridges and highway interchanges, harbor and docks, civil work for process plants and the petrochemical industry, highways, roads and airports, water and sewage treatment plants, and pumping stations and all related networks, and mechanical construction which includes fabrication and installation of piping, erection of equipment and vessels, structural steel works for light industry and heavy mechanical works (refineries, petrochemical plants, gas oil separation plants, oil loading and off loading terminals), pipelines for water, gas and oil, and Buildings.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Sabbagh & Khoury Building, Jnah Nicolas Sursok Street, P.O.Box 11-2254- Riad El Solh
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