Business Summary
Onspec Tawakol Engineering and Contracting an Egypt-based engineering and equipment supply company, which serves the oil and gas industry. The Company designs systems and packages pertinent to oil and gas production, petrochemicals and refining. The Company offers the following services: Modeling and simulation services include dynamic modeling, operator simulation and production planning and performance monitoring; Engineering services for onshore and offshore facilities, which are covered all engineering disciplines, such as process, piping, electrical, instrumentation, mechanical and civil; Procurement services include such equipment as instrument air package, chemical injection packages and air coolers, among others; Construction management services, which are overall project management, contractor supervision, design verification and cost control, among others, as well as Training services, which includes steady-state process modeling courses and flow modeling courses.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
39 Investment Zone-Kattameya Cairo, Triangle Group Office Building
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