Business Summary
XS Financial Inc is a Canada-based financial services company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Peru. The Company's projects include Princesa, Pilunani, Potoni and Cullquimayo. Its Princesa project consists of approximately three mineral claims located within the Puno region southeast from Lima. The Princesa project consists of over eight mining concessions covering an area of over 5,400 hectares. The Pilunani Project consists of over 18 mining concessions covering an area of over 14,100 hectares located in the district of Putina. The Potoni Grouping is located to the west of the Princesa grouping and consists concessions belonging to Solex Del Peru (five claims) and Alpaca Exploration (three claims). The Cullquimayo project consists of over 13 claims covering over 8,400 hectares.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
301 - 1665 Ellis Street
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