Business Summary
EnQuest PLC is an independent energy company with operations in the United Kingdom North Sea and Malaysia. The Company’s operations are focused on maturing and underdeveloped assets in the United Kingdom and Malaysia. Its production operations in the United Kingdom include its Magnus, Kraken, Golden Eagle, Greater Kittiwake Area, Scolty/Crathes, and Alba assets. Its Malaysian operations include its PM8 Extension Production Sharing Contract, consisting of the PM8 and Seligi Fields. It is the owner and operator of the Bressay field. Bressay is a heavy oil field east of the Shetland Islands, approximately 12 kilometers (km) northeast of the Kraken field. Its decommissioning operations include the fields, Thistle/Deveron, Heather/Broom, Alma/Galia and The Dons. Its decommissioning division manages the decommissioning programs for assets that have already ceased production and its mature producing assets, which are between one and five years from cessation of production CoP.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
2nd Floor, Charles House, 5-11 Regent Street
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