Business Summary
Bahrain Development Bank BSCC (BDB) is a Bahrain-based financial institution that is engaged in the provision of several types of banking financial services. The Bank provides various types of financial and banking services, which includes Labor fund/ BDB finance scheme, loans fees and services charges guidelines, and equity participation in start-ups as well as existing projects, agricultural loans, and Islamic finance (Morabha) facility. Bahrain Development Bank BSCC (BDB) also provides short and long term composite loans for financing capital assets and working capital, arranging export finance for goods manufactured in Bahrain and working capital finance for purchase of raw materials required for projects. The Bank provides its services and products to its various customers across the Bahraini market.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Diplomatic Area, P.O.Box: 20501
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