Business Summary
Al Rajhi Capital, an independent investment subsidiary of Al Rajhi Bank, is a Saudi Arabia-based company engaged in the provision of investment services to individuals, companies and institutions in compliance with the Islamic Shariah. The Company offers its investment products services through four divisions. Asset Management Division, which offers clients both packaged and customized solutions through a range of mutual funds offering investors access to local, regional and global markets; Brokerage Division, which offers stock transaction facilities services, through centers located throughout Saudi Arabia, as well as via Internet, automated phone trading & call centers; Corporate Finance Division, which offers full services on offering shares to the public, initial public offerings, rights issues, private placements, mergers & acquisitions and other forms of advisory services, and Research Division, which offers information of latest market trends, as well as other particulars.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
8467 King Fahd Road, Al Muruj Dist., PO Box 5561
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