Business Summary
Copperleaf Technologies Inc. provides enterprise decision analytics software solutions to companies managing critical infrastructure. The Company leverages operational and financial data to enable its clients to make investment decisions. It serves companies managing critical infrastructure, including physical and digital assets. Its AI-powered software performs predictive analytics, risk modeling and analysis, financial and performance modeling, investment portfolio optimization, budgeting, plan approvals, performance management, and scenario analysis, at scale. The Company’s product suite includes Copperleaf Asset, Copperleaf Portfolio, and Copperleaf Value. Copperleaf Asset enables organizations to create, manage, and visualize asset strategies that maximize business value while managing risk. Copperleaf Portfolio is a decision analytics solution that enables organizations to create, manage, and communicate the possible investment plans that maximize return for their businesses.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
2920 Virtual Way, Suite 140
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