Business Summary
Kuwait Arab Contractors Co (KAC) is a Kuwait-based joint-venture company that is engaged mainly in the construction, mechanical and electrical works. The Company carries out construction and maintenance projects for water and waste water works, renovation projects at various construction fields, building constructions, as well as marine works. Kuwait Arab Contractors Co is also active in the construction projects, which include design, detail engineering, equipment selection, supply, installation, commissioning and training of clients' personnel. In addition, it is active in the continuous research and development in construction techniques, systems and materials. The Company has executed several projects such as Kuwait chamber of commerce & Industries and Coastguard Headquarters and Facilities - Fintas. The Company is shared between Mr. Abdul Aziz Alghanim (Kuwaiti partner with 51%) and Arab Contractors (Osman Ahmed Osman & Co.) (foreign partner with 49%).
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Salhiya Tower, 3rd Floor, Fahad Al Salem Street, P.O. Box 860 Safat
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