Business Summary
Kuwait Aluminium Factory KSCC is a Kuwait-based company that is engaged in the design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of architectural aluminum products for construction and decoration uses. The Company's products include various types of doors, windows, internal partitions, wall cladding, curtain walls, security and decorative grills, louvers, handrails, skylights, and various other architectural aluminum products. It also provides iron gate, iron staircase, shop fronts and various other products. The Company has executed several projects, such as Kuwait Towers, Eye Center Project and Al Othman Center. The Company provides its products and services to its individuals and corporate customers in the private and public sectors across the Kuwaiti market.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
Plot 1636, Street No. 13, P O Box 5335 Al-Rai Industrial Area Safat
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