Business Summary
Foreign Trade Association Ltd is an Egypt-based company engaged in general trading and engineering. The Company supplies and distributes five product lines: Chemicals, which includes ready-made human and veterinary pharmaceutical chemicals, perfumes and flavors, and fertilizers; Equipment and Machines, which includes equipment for manufacturing of various chemicals and pharmaceutical specialties, devices and equipment for industry, photonics, video cameras, monitors, and projectors for special usage; Waste and Water Treatment, which includes sewage and water desalination units as well as solid wastes and residues; Raw Materials, and Tobacco. Its sister companies are Welding (Middle East) GmbH Hamburg, Germany; High Art Construction Ltd, and Pharma Art SAE.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
19, Darih Saad St. P.O.Box 1729
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