Business Summary
Dar El Shorouk is an Egypt-based company that is engaged in the fields of publishing, printing, management and art direction services. The Company prints and publishes Al Shorouk News Daily Paper as well as different books and school titles. Dar El Shorouk has established alliances with a number of foreign publishers of children's books including DK, Usborne, Watts Publishing (UK), Scholastic, PenguinUS (USA), Nathan (France), Kodansha (Japan), Fabri Editori, Edizione Piemme, La Coccinella (Italy), Gyldendal (Norway), Dominique et Compagnie (Canada), and many others. Dar El Shorouk has experience in supplying and customizing books for the Ministries of Education over different Arab countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Tunisia, Sudan, and Iraq. The Company owns several media enterprises, including National Printing Company, Egyptian Company for Arab and International Publishing, Sunflower Books, CLIP Solutions, and United Media Production.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
Dar El Shorouk Publishing Distribution and Printing Building, 8, Sibaway Al Masry Street, Rabaa Al Adawia Area, P.O.Box 33
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