Business Summary
Beta Information Technology LLC (Beta IT) is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged, along with its subsidiaries, in the provision of a range of services and solution in the field of data communication and networking. The Company specializes in new networking projects, upgrade and migration of existing networks to new technologies, securing existing data and voice networks and managing existing network elements. Beta IT provides a range of information technology solutions, including security solutions, wide area network (WAN) optimization and solutions, local area network (LAN), wireless, Internet protocol (IP) telephony, citrix, data center, traffic management and structured cabling solutions. Furthermore, the Company provides a range of service in the field of technology and networking, including consultancy, design, infrastructure valuation, projects management, installation, quality control and managed services.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
Riggat Al Buteen, Baniyas Rd D85, 6 B St, Easa Saleh Al Gurg Tower, 12th Floor, P.O.Box 19085
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