Business Summary
Lootah IT Solutions (LITS), a member of S.S. Lootah Group, is a United Arab Emirates-based company mainly engaged in the provision of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). LITS provides communications systems, applications, and support including Voice over IP (VoIP) and Converged Network integration, Contact Centers, Mobility, Unified Communications, ICT Training and Education, Collaboration and Data Networking solutions. Services offered by the Company include Custom Software Programming, Computer Software Development, Software Design, Software Maintenance and Enhancement, Instructional Design, Enterprise Wide Solution and Component Application. LITS conducts business with qualified computer retailers and resellers in and around the United Arab Emirates.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
S.S. Lootah Building, Salah El Din Street, Al Khabeesi Area, P.O. Box 231559
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