Business Summary
Advanced Computing is an Egypt-based company that is engaged in the provision of software applications and Internet solutions. Advanced Computing provides a series of software applications covering a wide range of business applications, including stores management, corporate and university libraries, pharmaceuticals companies, quality and control departments, sale management, salaries and compensation management, one-line recruiting sites as well as e-commerce solutions. The Company's products include AdvancedBoutique, AdvancedLibrary, MedRep Pro, QCPro, AdvancedSales, AdvancedCampus, Advanced Salary and advancePharmacy. Advanced Computing's clients include Academic Bookshop, Kahira Pharmaceutical Company, Nile Pharmaceutical Company, Alpha Trading, Arab Drug, Akhbar El Yom Academy, Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University, Faculty of Science - Ain Shams University and many others.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
Suit 203 Sheraton, 12 Soliman El-Tamawy St., Heliopolis Sheraton
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