Business Summary
Gulf Healthcare International LLC (GHI) is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the investment activities in the healthcare industry. The Company's activity, along with its subsidiaries, is primarily in medical diagnostics and primary care. GHI owns a total of 19 business units comprising the chain of Medsol Diagnostics Laboratories, as well as polyclinic brands such as Al Noor, British Medical Centre and German Medical Care, which all move to the united brand of Amber Clinics. Medsol Diagnostics, the diagnostic arm of the Company, specializes in laboratory and radiology network and spreads across 15 locations throughout the Middle Eastern region. GHI has established Peninsula Healthcare with network of primary care clinics and polyclinics across the Gulf region. Peninsula has two subsidiary brands: Amber Clinics and Atria Clinics. GHI operates Occupational Health International, Dubai. GHI is a joint venture between Global Capital Management and Varkey Group.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Healthcare Services & Equipment
Company Address
Ibn Al Thahabi Building 24, 4th Floor, Suite 404, Dubai Healthcare City, PO Box 2547
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