Business Summary
Dubai Industrial Park LLC, formerly known as Dubai Industrial City LLC is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in the Real Estates sector. The Company operates the Dubai Industrial Park a dedicated industrial city, a non-free zone development catering to industrial tenants in manufacturing and logistics within the GCC market. Dubai Industrial Park offerings to industrial tenants include industrial land for self build, pre-built warehouses for logistics and light industrial use, labor accommodation, fully fitted or core and shell office space, retail showrooms, vocational training services, and onsite assistance with licenses and permits for start-up and operations. Some of the companies which have chosen DI for their location are Kanoo Engineering, Shafar Steel, Al Futtaim, Arabian Automobiles, BASF, Conmix, Terazzo, Arabtec, Alec and DoFreeze, among others.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Rd, Dubai Industrial City
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