Business Summary
Confluent, Inc. provides a data streaming platform. The Company is engaged in designing data infrastructure to connect the applications, systems and data layers around a real-time central nervous system. The Company is focused on developing a category of data infrastructure focused on data in motion for developers and enterprises. It enables enterprises to deliver customer experiences for their business functions, departments, teams, applications, and data stores to have complete connectivity. It is designed to have real-time data from multiple sources constantly streamed across an enterprise for real-time analysis. Its offering enables organizations to deploy production-ready applications that run across cloud infrastructures and data centers, with features for security and compliance. Its platform provides the capabilities to fill the structural, operational and engineering gaps in businesses. It enables software developers to build their applications to connect data in motion.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
899 W. Evelyn Avenue, Suite 111
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