Business Summary
Al Arif Group is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged, through its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, in a range of activities in different business sectors. The Company is involved in investment, travel, construction and contracting, real estate, leasing cars, building foundations, piling, shoring, aluminum and steel fabrication, ice cream and restaurants, and building materials. Al Arif Group has several subsidiaries and affiliated companies within its portfolio, including Al Arif Investment, Al Arif Sons Travels, Al Arif Contracting Company LLC, Manar Emirates Real Estate Co LLC, Non-Stop Rent a Car, Stromek Emirates Foundations LLC, Stromek Emirates Transport LLC, Pivot Aluminium Co LLC, Pivot Metal Construction LLC, Gyro Shop Restaurant LLC, EFD Ice Creams LLC, Global Resources Building Materials PJSC, Buhari Restaurant LLC, and Softtech Technical Installations LLC.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Consumer Goods Conglomerates
Company Address
Al-Arif Group Building, Bur Dubai Area, PO Box 6170, Bur Dubai Area, P.O. Box 6170
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