Business Summary
General Atlantic, L.P. is a global growth equity company, which provides capital and strategic support for growth companies. The Company serves companies in various regions, including the United States, China, Europe, India, Latin America and south-east Asia. The Company serves various sectors, including business services, retail and consumer, financial services, healthcare, and Internet and technology. The Company works with the management company of its portfolio companies on various initiatives, such as growth acceleration, including pricing optimization and agile product development; human capital, including executive recruiting, board development and C-level summits; acquisitions or carve outs, including transition services agreements, and post-merger integration and synergy realization; performance improvement, including supply chain optimization and group procurement, and capital markets, including balance sheet optimization, investor relations and banking relationships.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
55 East 52Nd Street, 33rd Floor
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