Business Summary
Petroleos Mexicanos is Mexico-based company, which is an oil and gas company. Its activities involve the entire production chain, from exploration, production, industrial transformation, logistics and marketing. The Company operates with four subsidiary production companies: Pemex Exploracion y Produccion, Pemex Transformacion Industrial , Pemex Logitica and Pemex Fertilizantes. It owns approximately six refineries, two petrochemical complexes and nine gas processing complexes that allow it to produce petroleum derivatives to be delivered to different sectors. The Company also has approximately 83 land and sea terminals, as well as pipelines, ships and tank cars to supply to more than 11000 service stations throughout the country.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Avenida Marina Nacional 329, Colonia Veronica Anzures
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