Business Summary
Mena Holding Company KSCH is a Kuwait-based public shareholding company engaged in investment activities in a wide range of industries including, real estate, industrial services and leisure and tourism. In addition, the Company carries out Sharia-compliant investments in logistics, construction, real estate, fisheries and livestock companies. It also owns shares of local and international listed and non-listed companies. Its subsidiaries include International Industrial Projects Group (KSCC), which is active in industrial projects in K-Span field, metal buildings and works; MENA Sport and Recreation Company, which is engaged in managing and operation of restaurants, cafes, fast food outlets and parks; Al-Shahed Real Estate Company (KSCC), which is active in property acquisition, sale and development, and International Storage Group, which establishes warehouses and constructs different types of storage areas.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Investment Holding Companies
Company Address
Al Qibla Area, Al Soor Street
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