Business Summary
Depa Plc, formerly Depa Ltd, is a United Arab Emirates-based company. The company specializes in luxury fit-out sector, focusing primarily on hospitality, commercial and residential property developments, and also includes the airport, retail, yacht, theming and specialist fit-out sector. It provides manufactured products and procurement services, with a primary focus on customized furniture, fixtures and equipment. The Company operates in three business segment: the Construction segment includes interior fit-outs of hotels, villas and residential hospitalities, decoration works, interior and exterior finishing for hospitalities and cruise ships; the Manufacturing segment includes wooden doors, wardrobes, furniture and decoration, interior decoration partitions, false ceilings, cutting, processing, polishing of marble and granite, and the Procurement segment provides procurement services to hospitalities.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Dubai Investment Park 1, Plot No. 598-655, P.O. Box 213537
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