Business Summary
LuLu Group International LLC, formerly Emke Group LLC, is a United Arab Emirates-based company, which is engaged in a number of industry sectors. Its business sectors include: Retail, such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, department stores, and shopping malls, such a Mushriff Mall, Khalidiyah Mall, Al Wahda Mall, Al Raha Mall, Mazyad Mall and Al Foah Mall; Manufacturing and Exports, such as food processing and commodities trading; Import and Distribution, such as fresh and frozen foodstuff, and retail and wholesale distribution, as well as Business Services, such as education, travel and tourism, and shipping. The Company's subsidiaries are: Al Tayeb Cold Stores Llc, Line Investments and Property LLC and Emirates General Market.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Drug Retailing
Company Address
Y-Tower Building Al Nahyan Camp, Muroor Road, Al Nahyan Area, P.O. Box 4048
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