Business Summary
HSBC Saudi Arabia Limited (HSBCSA) is a Saudi Arabia-based investment bank. The Bank offers its products through seven main departments, consisting of Investment Banking Advisory, Investment Banking Financing, Islamic Finance, Brokerage Services, Securities Services and Equity Research. HSBCSA offers a range of various products such as initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, general advisory services and strategic planning, Private placements, syndicated finance, project finance and advisory, structured finance and debt, and equity capital market transactions. It also offers solutions that are compliant with the Islamic Sharia Law, in addition to solutions in HSBC global asset management, domestic and international equity brokerage services, lending facilities and exchange traded futures and options, as well as, custody and clearing, institutional fund services, escrow agent services, and non-bank financial institutions services.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
HSBC Saudi Arabia Building, 7267 Olaya Street (North), Al Murooj,
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