Business Summary
National Oil Corporation (NOC) is a Libya-based company. The company is engaged in the oil and gas extraction sector. The Company offers such services as exploration and production, oil and gas processing, oil well drilling, and marketing operations. NOC operates Through their subsidiaries: Sirte Oil Company; Arabian Gulf Oil Company; Ras Lanuf Oil and Gas Processing Company; Zawia Oil Refining Company; Zueitina Oil Company; Mellita Oil & Gas Company; WAHA Oil Company; Mabruk Oil Operation Company, Eni North Africa Company; Amerada Hess Company; India oil Company; Total E&P Company; National Oil Corporation - Houston branch; Oil Clinic; Petroleum Training and Qualifying Institute.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Assekka Road, P.O.Box 2655
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