Business Summary
Oman Development Bank SAOC is an Oman-based joint stock financial institution that is engaged in the provision of different financing and banking services and solutions. The Bank is principally engaged in providing loans to development projects, including the activities of agriculture, fisheries, livestock, industrial resources, information technology, educational colleges, health, tourism, professional activities, workshops and traditional industrial craftsmanship in the Sultanate of Oman by granting loans, administering grants and subsidies, participating in share capital and providing technical assistance to companies registered under the Commercial Companies Law of Oman and other enterprises. In addition, the Bank acts as agent on behalf of the Government of Oman in several respects such as distribution and collection of Government soft loans, disbursement of amounts from the agriculture and fisheries development fund, and disbursement and collection of SANAD Fund Loans.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
P.O.Box: 3077 Ruwi, MBD, Nr Ministry of Commerce & Industry,
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