Business Summary
Saudi Binladin Group is a Saudi Arabia-based group of companies that is engaged in the provision of a wide range of services and products in different business sectors. The Company's operating divisions cover a full range of business sectors including, infrastructure works, architecture & building construction, public buildings & airports, industrial & power projects, petroleum chemical & mining, real estate, and operation & maintenance. In addition to these divisions, the Company has management units responsible for applied technology, international projects, electro-mechanical projects, and tourism and transportation. Saudi Binladin Group and its associated companies' national and international completed projects include Holy Mosque expansion, Al Haram Al Nabawi expansion, King Saud University, Al Jamarat Bridge, V.I.P. Military Hospital, Sharjah American University, Kula Lupur Airport in Malaysia, Senegal project, and Legend Plaza Building Al Qusaia.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Shaare Al Amir Abdullah Masjed Al Rahma Molk Al Sharika, Hai Al Rawda S B 8918
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