Business Summary
Saudi Arabian Chevron is a Saudi Arabia-based company and a subsidiary of Chevron International Exploration and Production, engaged in the petrochemical industries. The Company operates on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in partnership with Kuwait Gulf Oil Company in the petroleum resources of the 5,000 square-kilometer onshore area of the Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ) between the Kingdom and the State of Kuwait. The joint operation explores, develops and produces oil in the PNZ. In addition, it operates three fields: Wafra, South Umm Gudair and South Fuwaris. A fourth field, Humma, is under long-term evaluation for potential development. The Company also independently operates a storage and marine export facility at Mina Saud (Al-Zour).
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
P.O.Box 6 Mina Al-Zour (Mina Saud)
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