Business Summary
Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) is a Jordan-based company that is engaged in the real estate sector. The Company's main activities are transforming the Aqaba area into a commercial, logistics, industrial and tourism zone through the provision of infrastructure and superstructure, packaging real estate opportunities, and providing businesses with transport facilities. The Company owns the port, airport and parcels of land as well as the development and management rights of these assets, infrastructure and utilities. ADC is also active in the development of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ), building new infrastructure, expanding existing ones, creating business enablers for ASEZ, and managing and operating its facilities. It is also involved in the establishment of a heavy industries city, technical industries complex, storage complex, logistics services, offices and housing complexes to transform the Red Sea into touristic and leisure destination.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
Mathaar A Malik Hussain Al Duwali, Sundooq Bareed: 2662
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