Business Summary
Petrochemical Industries Co KSC (PIC) is a Kuwait-based company that is engaged, along with its subsidiaries and affiliates, in the production and marketing of petrochemical products as well as investment in similar businesses. The Company, through its plants and projects, produces several chemical products ammonia, urea, ammonium sulfate and sulfate and sulfuric acid, salt and chlorine, polypropylene, ethylene and its derivative polyethylene and ethylene glycol. PIC operates The Aromatics Complex, which is based on processing naphtha feed from KNPC's Mina Abdulla and Shuaiba refineries for the production of para-xylene and benzene, as main products, and light naphtha, hydrogen, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), light ends and heavy aromatics as secondary products. Its joint ventures include EQUATE Petrochemical Co, The Kuwait Olefins Co, The Kuwait Aromartics Co, The Kuwait Styrene Co, Al-Qurain Petrochemical Industries Co, Gulf Petrochemical Industries co.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
P.O Box 1084 Safat
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