Business Summary
Limitless LLC is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the integrated real estate development industry in the United Arab Emirates and abroad. The Company's main activities include master-planning of urban development projects, conceptualization and execution of waterfront developments and execution of large mixed-use projects. Limitless LLC has participated in the execution of various projects in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Russia, Vietnam and the United Arab Emirates. The Company has achieved several projects in different countries, including Downtown Jebel Ali, Arabian Canal, Sanaya Amman, Al Wasl as well as The Galleries at Downtown Jebel Ali, which is an eight building mix of offices, apartment, retail and leisure facilities set in 20,000 square meters of shaded and landscaped grounds.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
Building 1, Nakheel Sales Centre, Al Sufouh Road
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