Business Summary
Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Co BSCC is a Bahrain-based holding company. The company is the sovereign wealth fund of the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain. It manages a portfolio of commercial assets which holds stakes in over 40 commercial enterprises in a number of sectors including: Logistics, Consumer and Healthcare, General Services, Financial Services, Industrial Manufacturing and Services, Real Estate and Tourism, as well as Telecommunications, Media and Technology (TMT). Its portfolio companies include: Aluminum Bahrain BSC, an aluminum smelter company; Gulf Air BSC, the national carrier of Bahrain; GEMS Education, a provider of K-12 private education; Bahrain Flour Mills Company BSC, engaged in the import of wheat and the production of wheat flour and related products; Bahrain Telecommunications Company BSC, an integrated telecommunications provider; National Bank of Bahrain BSC, as well as Bahrain Real Estate Investments BSC.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Arcapita Building, 4th Floor, Building No. 551, Road 4612, P.O.Box 820 Bahrain Bay, Sea Front
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