Business Summary
Noor Telecom Co KSCC is a Kuwait-based closed-shareholding company, and a subsidiary of Noor Financial Investment Company, that is engaged in direct investment activities in the telecommunication sector according to the Islamic Sharia principles. The Company’s objectives include Purchasing, supplying, installing, managing and maintaining telecommunication systems, equipment, and telecommunication services. The Company's investments are focusing on the mobile, fixed and wireless, service-based operators such as Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO), Internet Services Providers (ISP), Information Technology (IT) services, applications, software, and digital content industry segments. Its investments includes Jordan Telecom Group (JTG), Riyada Ventures and Advanced Equities, with operations in the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, South East Asia and China.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Telecommunications Services
Company Address
Salhiya Area Block 13, Mohammad Al Thunayan Street
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