Business Summary
Neopharma LLC, a member of NMC Group, is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the manufacture of diverse pharmaceutical products. Neopharma's product range covers a wide range of anti-infectives, anti-inflammatory and arthritis, cardiovascular, anti-diabetic, gastrointestinal protectives, drugs for respiratory system, cough expectorants and multivitamin tonics. Furthermore, Neopharma markets it products through its marketing team in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf Cooperation Council region under different brands name such as Neomox, Neocycline, Neoday Neoventil, Noeprofen and Neoprazole. Neopharma facility encompasses two independent production blocks, one is dedicated for the manufacture of general products and the other one is for the manufacture of betalactam products. In addition, Neopharma has a research and development centre that is engaged in the product development activity.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research
Company Address
Plot A-1 89-95, Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD), Mussafah, P O Box 72900
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