Business Summary
Metito Overseas Ltd (The Group) is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the design and supply of water treatment, wastewater treatment and water desalination systems. The Group manufactures a wide range of products for several applications in water and waste water treatment, including, Surface Water Treatment, Process Water Treatment for Industry, Water Desalination by Reverse Osmosis, Sewage Treatment, Industrial Effluent Treatment, Grey Water Treatment, Chemical Injection Systems and Water Disinfection. The Group provides and implements several water and waste water treatment technologies, including Membrane Separation, Membrane Bio-Reactor, Electro-Deionization, Activated Sludge Waste Water Treatment and its variations, and Vacuum sewage technology. The Group’s clients include municipalities, oil and petrochemical companies, food and beverage industries, tourism sector and several governmental departments and agencies.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
National Industries Park, P.O.Box 262335
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