Business Summary
Qatar Aluminium Co QSC (Qatalum), a joint-venture between Qatar Petroleum and Hydro, is a Qatar-based that is mainly active in the production of primary aluminum as value-added aluminum casthouse products. The Qatalum project is based on Hydro's electrolytic reduction cell technology which takes place in four plants. The main part of the Qatalum project is the primary aluminum reduction plant, where the actual metal production takes place. The carbon plant manufactures carbon anodes, which are a vital part of the primary aluminum production process. It consists of a paste plant and an anode baking plant. The Qatalum cast house has been designed to produce extrusion ingots and foundry alloys. The casthouse houses equipment for producing standard primary ingots. The Qatalum power plant supplies Qatalum with power, it includes spare capacity in the form of one generator unit.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
P.O.Box 23086, Mesaieed Industrial City
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