Business Summary
Jumeirah Group LLC, a member of Duabi Holding, is a United Arab Emirates-based group of companies that is engaged, along with its subsidiaries, in operating a group of hotels, resorts and restaurants. The Group manages and operates Jumeirah Living, Talise, Jumeirah Restaurants, the thrilling Wild Wadi Waterpark, the Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management; and Jumeirah Retail. The Group's portfolio of hotels and resorts encompassing Burj Al Arab, Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Madinat Jumeirah, Jumeirah Bab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa, Jumeirah Carlton Tower, Jumeirah Lowndes Hotel in London as well as Jumeirah Essex House in New York.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
Level 5, Building 5 Dubai Design District, PO Box 73137
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