Business Summary
National Water Company SJSC (NWC) is a Saudi Arabia-based joint stock utility Company. The Company is engaged in the provision of water and wastewater services. The Company focuses on providing drinking water for all customers, providing all households with water and wastewater connections, the preservation of natural water resources, the protection of the environment and making maximum use of the Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE). The Company is also active in drilling, producing, purifying and distributing potable water. NWC is also engaged in the treatment of the swaged water in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. NWC's wastewater and water projects include Water and Wastewater in Riyadh Business Unit, Al Haer Waste Water Conveyor, Groundwater Production and Filling Station.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
King Fahd Road
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