Business Summary
ABC Islamic Bank EC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Arab Banking Corporation, is a Bahrain-based company engaged in the banking sector in accordance to the Islamic shariah principles. The Company operates through four business segments: The Islamic Commercial Banking services segment covers trade, commodity and production finance, capital goods finance, project and large single asset finance, and syndicated financings and sukuk; The Islamic Treasury Services segment offers commodity murabaha investment services and reverse murabaha facilities, among others; The Islamic Investment and Asset Management Services division covers short term investment participations and investment in international real estate funds, and Islamic Investment Banking and Other Specialist Products segment is involved in the underwriting, management, purchase and sale of Sukuk for government, institutional and corporate clients, and the management of equity raising activities for Islamic financial institutions.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Building 152 ABC Tower, Road 1703, P.O.Box: 5698 Diplomatic Area
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