Business Summary
Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group is a United Arab Emirates-based group that consists of 22 companies active in the retail, construction and industrial sectors. The Group operates four major divisions: Retile and Life Style that includes fashions, furniture, office furniture and flooring solutions, and appliance; Consumer Products, which includes personal and home care goods, Battery and Tires, and cigarettes; Building and Construction, which includes real estates operations, building materials trading, construction operations and air-conditioning and refrigeration contracting, and Industrial and Technical division that includes building services, paints manufacturing, furniture, steel fabrication and automotive repair and maintenance. Its subsidiaries includes Al Gurg Electronics (Projects Division), Al Gurg Real Estate, Mac Al Gurg, and Technical and Trading Est, representing more than 200 international brands include British American Tobacco, Unilever, Benetton, Siemens, Osram, and others.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Consumer Goods Conglomerates
Company Address
Al Gurg Tower, 16th Floor, Baniyas Street, Deira Area, P.O.Box 325
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