Business Summary
Fabtech International Ltd is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in the design and manufacture of different technical and engineering equipment to the oil, gas and industrial sector. The Company operates through six divisions: Oil & Gas, Pressure Vessels, Rolling & Dished Ends, Material Handling, Specialized Engineering, and General Engineering. The Company through its different divisions, provides several industrial equipments and solutions such as rigs, mud-degassers, derricks, onshore drilling consoles, fuel gas ducts, mud tanks, roller booms, refurbishment of oil rigs, vertical brine tanks, top section of flue gas stacks, surge vessels, dry cooler vessels, skids, pipes welding, tube bundles, metal dishes, rolled shells, material handlings, kangaroo grabs, ship unloaders, anti-corrosions, industrial paints and blasting solutions, electrical and instrumentation, stack fuel gas, temporary support tower modules for bridge, and stack fuel gas.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
P.O.Box 61015 Jebel Ali
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