Business Summary
Sharaf Group is a United Arab Emirates-based conglomerate that is engaged, through its subsidiaries, in a range of activities covering different business sectors. The Company is involved in different industries, including financial services, general trading, manufacturing, information technology, real estate, schools, shipping and logistics, and travel and tourism. Sharaf Group's portfolio of subsidiaries and affiliates, include Sharaf Exchange LLC, MAC Sharaf Securities, Sharaf Retail, Sharaf DG LLC, Sharaf AG, Sharaf Digital, Yellow Hat Japan, Gulf Processing Industries LLC, Jebel Ali Cement, SOMEC Sharaf LLC, Information Dynamics, Sharaf Design LLC, Al Masa Mall, Sharaf Facility Management, Sharaf Cargo, Hind Terminal, Emarat Maritime, Sharaf travel and Oasis Adventures. Sharaf Retail operates various international brands in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Consumer Goods Conglomerates
Company Address
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