Business Summary
Al Habtoor Group LLC is a United Arab Emirate-based company operates in several industrial segments and market sectors. The Company operates eight divisions: Al Habtoor Engineering, which undertakes the construction operations of high-rise structures, mixed use developments, manufacturing units, airports, hotels; Al Habtoor Hotels, which involves hotels and hospitality management such The Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa, Dubai; Al Habtoor Motors, which include the dealing and distribution of Mitsubishi, Bentley and Aston Martin; Vehicle Leasing, which involves long-term and short-term vehicle hire services as well as bus transportation services; Al Habtoor Real Estate, which includes real estate operations, management and development; Education, which is involved in managing educational facilities and schools; Al Habtoor Publishing, which offers publications such as Al Shindagah and In My Own Words; and Sports and Celebrities Division, which includes Al Habtoor Polo and Al Habtoor Tennis.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
Al Wasl Road, Al Safa 2, P.O.Box 25444
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