Business Summary
Noor Investment Group LLC is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in the financial sector. The Company provides solutions in the sectors of consumer, corporate and investment banking, as well as wealth and asset management, treasury, private equity, financial advisory and takaful (Islamic Insurance) services. It has the two subsidiaries, namely Noor Islamic Bank and Noor Takaful. Noor Islamic Bank is a full service bank with locations across the United Arab Emirates in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. Noor Takaful is the Shari’ah compliant insurance brand of the Company. Through its two entities, Noor Takaful Family PJSC and Noor Takaful General PJSC, it offers a range of Shari’ah compliant general and family takaful products. It administers the process of participation, manages collection of the takaful contribution and processes claims. In addition, Noor Takaful also acts as a trustee for investing funds in Shari’ah compliant structures.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Building 1, 8th Floor, Sheikh Zayed Road, Emaar Square, Business Bay Area, P.O. Box 8822
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