Business Summary
Union Bancaire Privee UBP SA is a private bank and wealth management firm based in Switzerland. The Bank offers asset management, merchant banking, mergers and acquisitions activities as well as in the development of international trade. Its activities include acceptance of deposits in all forms, asset management and its ancillary activities, in particular, the safekeeping of securities and other valuables and the renting of safe deposit boxes, advice and financial activity within the framework of international payment services, the constitution, management, representation and distribution of collective capital investments, the granting of loans with or without guarantees, operations on letters of credit, creation and management of companies, operations of issues, discounting and collection of Swiss or foreign bills, purchase and sale, conservation and management of securities, acquisition of participations, operations of issues and syndicates, transactions in foreign currencies etc.,.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Rue du Rhone 96-98, Case postale 1320
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