Business Summary
Network International LLC is the United Arab Emirates-based enabler of digital commerce and provider of payment solutions across the Middle East and Africa. The Company serves customers throughout two core business lines; Merchant Solutions and Issuer Solutions. Merchant Solutions business provides payments acceptance products and solutions to merchants of all sizes, through direct merchant acquiring or acquirer processing. Issuer Solutions business line provides products and payments processing services to financial and nonfinancial institutions across the issuing value chain. The Company provides customers with the ability to open card accounts for consumers, and issue and create a range of card products, including credit, debit and prepaid cards. The Company also provides value added services, including advanced fraud Solutions and 3D Secure, Automated teller machine (ATM) solutions, Data analytics and Electronic Billing, among others.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Network Building,, Al Barsha 2, PO box 4487
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