Business Summary
NCB Capital Company SJSC, a subsidiary of National Commercial Bank, is a Saudi Arabia-based financial institution that is engaged in the provision of investment and brokerage services. The Company provides its products and services to individuals and corporate customers through various divisions, such as Brokerage Services Division, Investment Services Division, Wealth Management Division and Investment Banking Division. NCB Capital Co’s products and services are offered through various channels such as online trading tools, AlAhliTadawul and AlAhliBrokerage; teletrading services; lounges, and personalized trading solutions. Its financial products and services include mutual funds, hedge funds, structured products, private equity, portfolio management, investment advice and access to local, regional and international stock markets.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
King Saud Road, NCB Regional Building, P.O. Box 22216
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